A new super yacht lets the wealthy go boating without ruining the planet - thanks to an eco friendly design and a hybrid engine
The Columbus Sport 130' Hybrid is powered by a Toyota Prius style mixture of electricity and diesel that reduce the ships emissions
Its makers claim it is the world’s first environmentally friendly yacht which lets you to save the planet whilst cruising along. But they have not skimped on luxury on the $30million vessel with three plush cabins and a deck dubbed ‘the beach club’ big enough for eight people to relax and sunbathe.
The Columbus Sport is currently being built by Italian boat builders Palumbo and will be ready by 2013 when the full specifications will be released. It is 120ft long and has an aluminium exterior and light ‘skeletal structure’ meaning it needs less energy to power. Palumbo has revealed that the boat will comply with the latest regulations as laid down by the International Maritime Organisation’s MARPOL convention, which regulates emissions on seagoing vessels.
It is 120ft long and has an aluminium exterior and light ¿skeletal structure¿ meaning it needs less energy to power
But they have not skimped on luxury on the $30million vessel with three plush cabins and a deck dubbed ¿the beach clubs big enough for eight people to relax and sunbathe
The yacht is powered by a mixture of diesel and electricity, reducing its emissions
It has a dual powered diesel and electric engine that means can run on electricity only up to 7.5 knots - once the boat needs to go faster the diesel kicks in. The Columbus also emits less noise pollution as the electrical engines are quieter. Inside however, it is luxury all the way with huge windows in the main room which has been dubbed a ‘saloon’, a vast flybridge and plush interiors with Breccia Sarda and Emperador Dark marble throughout. In total there are three cabins and the owner’s room meaning it can accommodate up to eight people
Giuseppe Palumbo, general manager of Palumbo Shipyards in Naples, said: ‘The boat is really an innovative concept because it melds together very modern lines and high technology with environmentally friendly features’.
The yacht also has a bilge water separator to stop oily deposits spreading out to sea
Whilst the Palumbo yacht has not skimped on luxury it has some way to go before it is the plushest in the world, such as the 414ft-long Octopus owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. He bought the opulent vessel in 2009 which came complete with a crew of 60, two helicopters, its own submarine, basketball court and music studio and a remote controlled vehicle that can crawl on the ocean floor. Guests have included a string of brunettes and billionaire financier George Soros. The yacht, which is the ninth longest in the world, costs $384,000 a week to run
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